Saturday, January 19, 2013

Make a change – get a different result!

I was out doing errands the other day. I was at a stop light waiting to take a right and I saw a man laying on the sidewalk, face down on the pavement, one shoe off. My first thought was "is that guy dead?” but then saw his chest moving up and down so I knew that he was alive and just sleeping as he probably didn’t have anywhere to live.

I’m writing this post today because I couldn’t get the vision of the man on the sidewalk. It really got me thinking, a lot, about different times in our life where we thought we might end up without a roof over our heads. We’ve had a lot of financial struggles and did wonder, at times, if we’d have to live in our tent or truck or something. Every time I had these thoughts we fought to work harder and better to make sure that we always had a roof over our heads and never had to worry about where our next meal was coming from or if when our power or water would be turned back on!

We’ve made a lot of stupid financial and business decisions as well as having some unfortunate economy based problems occur that were out of our control. We could have just given up each time these things happened and felt sorry for ourselves. Sometimes I did cry or not sleep – at all- because of the stress that this puts on you – my husband too! Still, we woke up every day and kept plugging away. Not quite a year ago, I took a leap and joined Scentsy and became a consultant. I didn’t know what to expect but I knew I loved the warmers, scents and the idea of online marketing as a way to make some extra money – which we could definitely use. We didn’t realize it at the time but this was a pivotal time in our lives and joining was a defining moment.

Looking back, I just knew that even if I stunk at the business that I was at least trying to do something to help get us out debt. I never thought that we would have an awesome team of consultants all across the USA, Canada, Guam and Puerto Rico. I had no idea if I'd make enough for me to work from home full time or to earn trip, bonus’s and prizes! This time next year I want to be able to make some travel plans without stressing out about how we’ll come up with the money to do it.

I’m not saying that you can just join Scentsy or other Direct Selling companies and you’ll be magically in a better ‘place’ – I am working very hard and continue to push myself each day to get to a position where we are never again fearful of losing our home!

If you are looking to ensure financial stability for you and your family then you can’t sit around feeling sorry for yourself (at least for more than a day) and hope for someone or something to come along to rescue you. YOU are the only one who can improve your financial situation and take care of your family – now and in the future.

Times are really tough right now and we are seeing more and more people we know who are struggling to make ends meet. Most of them are waiting for work to pick up or for a ‘job’ to pull them out of their financial crisis. While it’s good to make sure that you have stable work and can meet your basic bills and needs, it won’t really increase your income. I’ve never had a Job in which the more hours I worked the more time I had to spend with my family – have you? Most the people I know who work more than one job have been doing so for a long time and don’t see that trend ending anytime soon. Most of the time it seems like they really only make a few hundred extra dollars a month. They are trading their time for money and usually…the money’s not that great. Very part-time Scentsy consultants can make a few hundred extra dollars a month by having one or two fun parties a month that take just 1-3 hrs of your time instead of 20 hrs a week. That sounds a whole lot more fun and a much better way to use your time – just saying!

My point is, if you don’t make a change then you won’t get a different result! How many of you keep telling people that you don’t have money to do this or that? You don’t have time to do stuff with your family? Can’t take a day off of work for fear of losing your job? I can go on and on with the things we hear that people “can’t” do. What we almost never hear is, “I’m sick of not having any money, working in a job that doesn’t pay me enough, not having any time to spend with my family…I’m ready to take a leap and make a change so I never have to say that again!” When we finally did that, we're on our way to making things better for us!

A friend of ours just lost her job the other day. She posted on FB that she didn’t even like her job in the first place but that it really ‘hurt’ to lose her income. I immediately thought, “Awesome! Now she can find something to do that she loves instead of doing something she can’t stand!” I saw this as a GOOD thing for her! Instead of telling her how sorry I was for her and not to worry and that she’d find a job soon, I told her that I wanted to meet and discuss doing what I do to see if it was something that she’d like. She said that she was grateful and honored that I’d even think of her! Isn’t that crazy? Now, she might not want to Join Scentsy, but at least she’ll know that she has more options than just a crummy job.

We can make anything out of our lives – if we want to. I mean ‘really’ want to. You can’t just wish it and ‘poof’ it happens. You’ve got to be dedicated to do the work that goes into changing your life and tweaking how you think! When we have a friends, family or consultants who are trying to make changes in their lives, we bend over backwards to offer our support! Taking a ‘chance’ can be very scary so you need all the support you can get!

Good luck to all of you in finding your path to a better future. Whatever you decided to do…give it your all!

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Follow me on Twitter:  @CdnDznyLuvr

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